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  • Writer's pictureCoach Paul Kuck

80+ Aunty was bed-ridden for months. Look at her now

This week, I would like to share a recent case how I helped a very senior client get back her health and on her feet, literally.

Madam Tan had diverticulitis ( a condition where pouches formed in the colon) a few months ago and was hospitalized. During which, her muscles atrophied and weakened to the state that she was immobile and lying on the hospital bed. Eventually her condition stabilized and was discharged, after having done some physiotherapy sessions with the hospital. However, when she was back home she was still very weak and very dependent in every step of the way. Her daughter was very concerned if her overall health would go downhill from there.

They sought my help. I explained to them that all her muscles had deteriorated largely due to unused state when she was hospitalized, so the only way to reverse the condition was to do proper senior-friendly strength training and work on her diet.

After several weeks of training with me, she improved remarkably. She can now walk, climb stairs, squat (and she has a set of bad knees and was told she could not ever squat again) and do her own grocery.

All these weren't possible before the training.

Here's a clip of her performing simple squats in my studio

The daughter wrote this 5 stars review and posted on google:

"I have sent my 80+ year old mom to Fitness Tutor to improve her mobility. She was hospitalized for a week and her mobility deteriorated tremendously. After a couple of sessions with coach Paul, she regained her confidence and was able to walk without her walking stick. She slowly improved her mobility as she continues her weekly session with Paul and can go up and down the stairs without any aid. Today she goes to the market on her own and carries her walking stick with her when she is outside. But the walking stick is only just for backup and to make sure people around her pay attention not to knock her out. We will continue to send our mom to Fitness Tutor as we see she is getting stronger in her mobility and that is important to the quality of her life."

That left me elated and humbled. Once again, this showcased my passion and ability to help people in serious health needs, using some science-based strategies..

Contact me (whatsapp: 97513400 or fill up this form) if you or someone you care are/is interested in improving health and get into the best shape without medications.


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