Indulged in too much Bak Kwa, pineapple tarts, and other treats, and now it's showing on the scale? Don't worry, here are some easy steps to help you get back in shape.
Avoid Crash Diets and prioritize nutrient-rich foods.
Although a crash diet might help you shed a few kilos quickly, it is neither sustainable nor healthy, and weight loss is often temporary. Nutrient-rich foods are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, while being low in calories and sodium. A diet rich in nutrients can offer sustainable, significant, long-term weight loss along with health benefits. Examples of nutrient-rich foods include eggs, nuts, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, and other whole, unprocessed foods.
Begin your exercise routine gradually.
While many people wish to jump into their fitness plan with intensity (such as immediately running 20K), it's wiser to ease into it. This approach helps avoid injuries and makes exercise more enjoyable and sustainable.
Exerciser running post cny Ensure ample rest.
The numerous days filled with celebrations and family visits have likely exhausted you physically, emotionally, and mentally. It's time to slow down, relax, and get plenty of rest to rejuvenate.
Sarter B, Campbell TC, Fuhrman J. Effect of a high nutrient density diet on long-term weight loss: a retrospective chart review. Altern Ther Health Med. 2008 May-Jun;14(3):48-53. PMID: 18517106.