Meet Science-Based
Medical Personal Trainer in Singapore,
Coach Paul Kuck, MSc:
I help clients aged 40 to 80+
become stronger, fitter, younger &
resolve their medical issues & pain.

About Coach Paul Kuck
Youth and better quality of life are still on your side, if you seize the opportunity by allowing me to help you.
It is now a well-established fact that the combination of exercise and a balanced diet is a superior approach to prevent and manage lifestyle diseases (1,2,3). It will not result in adverse side effects such as bruising, increased bleeding, drowsiness, or digestive and heart issues. On the contrary, it offers multiple benefits such as prevention of secondary diseases, improved physical appearance, and mental acuity.
Imagine you've been diagnosed with an early-stage medical condition and told to eat healthy and exercise. But, where do you even start? Google? Friends? That young trainer at the gym? Beware, though, of the dangers that lurk behind unproven methods: injuries, dizziness, wasted time and money, and in some cases, even death (4,5,6,7). So, what if you just sit back and do nothing? Your body will soon become a rusty old car, losing value faster than you can say "help!"
Do you make these grave mistakes?
You require a consummate professional who is committed and knowledgeable in the pursuit of a robust physique, to help you maintain and enhance its value.
Imagine a life devoid of pain, distress, or doubt. Picture yourself feeling healthier, leaner, and exuding a sense of confidence. How much is such a body worth? Think about the positive impact it has on others, your family, your company, your staff etc. Millions? Billions?
It's no coincidence that the most affluent and astute individuals like Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson prioritize health and fitness (8,9), a philosophy shared by many of my clients.
I have an unwavering commitment to fitness and nutrition. I began learning about these topics at the age of seven, while most of my peers were preoccupied with toys and games. My dedication led me to acquire significant knowledge and expertise, as showcased by my credentials below:
Master's Degree in Exercise & Nutrition Science (UK) (topped my class).
Certified-Gold status as a Medical Exercise Specialist and Weight Management Specialist by the American Council on Exercise.
Certified Fitness Instructor (was a course lecturer too) by Sports S'pore.
A few dozens others
Since establishing Fitness Tutor back in 1998, I have assisted a myriad of individuals in their pursuit of better health and fitness by relying solely on evidence-based solutions. I was an early advocate of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), long before it gained widespread popularity, and I continue to advocate for its proper usage and implementation.
Furthermore, I have authored countless articles and have spoken on various topics relating to fitness and health. I held the position of chief editor for the publication of S'pore Fitness Instructors' Association, a widely read publication among over 2000 fitness industry professionals. Additionally, I have held several other leadership positions within the fitness industry.
My fervor for helping individuals with medical issues, particularly the middle-aged, seniors and elderly people, stems from personal experiences with family members who suffered from illnesses without receiving appropriate solutions.
Too often, people resort to extreme medical procedures or unsound alternative methods. As a result, I am dedicated to transforming people's health through scientifically proven methods, utilizing my 3-pronged approach.
Science-Based Exercise Programs,
Functional Nutrition Advise and
Appropriate Lifestyle Modifications
As a middle-aged individual myself, I have not fallen sick for over 30 years, including during the Covid pandemic, due to my adherence to my own personal training program.
My program, grounded in no-nonsense, science-based principles, is highly effective and has garnered the attention of prominent individuals from various industries.
I prioritize a program that aligns with my clients' well-being, rather than the latest trends in the gym industry aimed at ill-informed masses.
I have been conferred the title of 'Personal Trainer/Fitness Coach of the Year' (SEA 2022 & 2024) and featured in full-page articles in Straits Times, Business Times, Sunday Times, Lianhe Zaobao, Menshealth, Shape, Herworld for over 20 years etc.
May I expect your call soon?

Do you have any of these 12 familiar age & lifestyle related conditions?
Let's manage it:
BMI < 19 / > 25, Fat % > 20 or Waist > 90cm
Bone/Muscle Diseases
Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Sarcopenia, & Parkinson's
Pain Issues
Shoulder, knees, back or elbow pain
Prenatal & Postpartum
Blood Sugar > 100 mg/dl
Heart Diseases
CAD, stroke, arrhythmia, heart attack/failure etc.
BP > 130 / 80
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout, Lupus, Fibromyalgia etc
All non-genetic Cancers eg breast, colon.
Cholesterol Issues
LDL > 100mg/dl or T Chol > 200mg/dl
Hormone Issues
Testosterone, Thyroid, Estrogen etc
Generally Unhealthy
Feeling/looking old, tired & out of shape. Never exercised

Medical Personal Training Program's Key Benefits
Scientifically designed to address issues specific to middle-aged, young seniors and elderly people.
1 / Builds and Strengthens Muscle Tissues
Prevents muscle loss and decline in metabolic rate. Burns fat and shapes up the body.
2 / Builds Bone Density

Manages bone related issues like Osteopenia and Osteoporosis.
3 / Improves cardiovascular fitness

Prevents major diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc.
4 / Improves Balance
Prevents falls and injuries, increases longevity and quality of life.
5 / Reduces Inflammation

Boosts recovery and cognitive functions, and reverses biological age.
6 / Boosts Performance

Reduces stress and depression, improves sleep and increases energy.
Personal Training Services
A system that actually works, even if you hate exercise and dieting.
One on One
Experience undivided coaching attention from the best for the best
(Rate: from $140 / sess)
Train in small group setting, with customised program for a fraction of the price.
(Rate: from $85 a sess)
Consulting / Speaking
Need help with educating your audience or yourself with real science-based knowledge instead of run-of-mill or outdated information?
(Rate: get quote)
Coaching Process

A time is arranged to discuss about your goal(s) and level of motivation.

I'll conduct fitness assessment, review your current diet, lifestyle and medical report.

I will design an appropriate program covering all fitness components and diet plan based on your preference, goal(s) and fitness level.
Once goal(s) is/are met, further changes to routine are made to advance to next target(s).

See the miraculous results.
As featured in
Manini, T. M. (2015). Using physical activity to gain the most public health bang for the buck. JAMA Internal Medicine, 175(6), 968. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.0544
Naci, H., & Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2015). Comparative effectiveness of exercise and drug interventions on mortality outcomes: metaepidemiological study. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49(21), 1414–1422. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2015-f5577rep
Elliot, C., & Hamlin, M. J. (2018). Combined diet and physical activity is better than diet or physical activity alone at improving health outcomes for patients in New Zealand’s primary care intervention. BMC Public Health, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5152-z
Cue. (2023, July 22). Indonesian fitness influencer dies after freak barbell mishap. The Straits Times. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/indonesian-fitness-influencer-dies-after-freak-barbell-mishap
This Is Happening. (2022, July 13). 64 WORKOUT FAILS YOU DON’T WANT TO REPEAT [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKSktpTIzlA
Khawandanah, Jomana & Tewfik, Ihab. (2016). Fad Diets: Lifestyle Promises and Health Challenges. Journal of Food Research. 5. 80. 10.5539/jfr.v5n6p80.
Ginsberg, L. (2017, May 28). Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson and Mark Cuban all agree that this one habit is key to success. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/28/mark-zuckerberg-and-richard-branson-exercise-is-key-to-success.html
George, J. (2020, February 13). Meet The Wealthy Elite Spending £4,000 A Month On Their Health. ELLE. https://www.elle.com/uk/beauty/body-and-physical-health/a30855849/cost-of-buying-health/